Ethiopia, with a population of more than 70 million and land area almost twice the size of Texas, is one of the poorest nations on earth. 10% of newborns don't live to their first birthday, and life expectancy for men is just 45 years. Recurrent drought and famine, made worse in the north by civil war, has taken an enormous human toll. Average monthly income is just $8, and most trading in local markets is conducted by barter. Although education is free, just 50% of men and 35% of women are literate.

Prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ethiopia relied on aid from communist block nations, but in recent years, they have established warm relations with the United States and Western Europe. Consequently, this has provided opportunities for Christian missionaries in a country where Islam and Ethiopian Orthodox are the dominant religions.

Ethiopia is located in the center of east Africa, and borders on five other predominantly Muslim countries. Along it's border areas, the languages and cultures of these other countries blend, and afford missionaries the opportunity to preach to people groups within and beyond Ethiopia.

The Carpenter's Project is active both in church construction and church planting through a partnership with East Africa Baptist Missions. For information on our church planting efforts see our Timothy Projects page. Photographs of previous construction projects are shown below.