Special Projects

Bibles & New Testaments:

Few Christians in un-evangelized countries have personal Bibles. In some churches, only the pastor has a Bible of his own. For new believers, having a copy of God's Word is a cherished possession.

Most of the missionaries supported in the Timothy Project start a church in a village where there are no Christians. To grow in the Word, it’s vital that new believers have God’s Word for personal study and devotions.

Our goal with this project is to insure that every Christian family in every church pastored by a Timothy Project missionary has at least one copy of the scriptures.

Bibles cost $8-12 each. New Testaments cost $5-8 each. A mission church becomes viable when 10 or more families are regular members. In most of these churches just $120 will provide a Bible for every family.
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Evangelism & Outreach:

Partnering Bible institutes send teams of students to un-reached towns and go house-to-house passing out tracts and witnessing. Teams are typically six to ten students led by a pastor and last one week.

Colleges schedule most outreach programs during semester and holiday breaks. Buddhists and Animists are most curious and receptive to the gospel when Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter, but evangelism and outreach is effective any time of the year.

The cost of food, transportation and lodging for each team varies. However, teams can normally be sponsored for $750 per team per week.
Tracts & Discipleship Materials:

National church planting missionaries use a lot of tracts while witnessing. The tracts we select are culturally appropriate, locally printed, and specifically target Animists, Buddhists, and Muslims.

The missionaries also disciple new believers who frequently have a difficult time leaving their old religious customs. In unreached countries, seldom is there any discipleship material produced in the local language.

Tracts are inexpensive: 10,000 can be produced for $500. Five hundred discipleship books in a local language can be produced for $1,500.
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Portable Solar Powered Gospel Video Backpacks:

The use of film evangelism is extremely effective in rural areas. Films such as “The Jesus Film”, “The Hope”, “God of Wonders”, and others are shown in homes, house churches, auditoriums, and in open air venues. Followed by a gospel message, we are seeing many souls added to the church.

The video equipment does not require electricity and contains a projector, a player preloaded with films in the local language, a sound system, battery, and a solar panel. It weighs just 22 pounds and fits into camping backpack. To equip a native evangelist with a complete backpack it costs just $1900.
Transportation for Missionaries and Evangelists:

Having efficient transportation is a great help to pioneer church planters and evangelists. For missionaries in most places a motorbike best suits their needs. However, some missionaries cannot afford to purchase gas and maintain a motorbike. For them, a good mountain bike is best.

The cost of a motor bike is $1200 and a bicycle is $300.
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Text & Reference Books for Bible College Students:

We partner with nearly a dozen indigenous Bible institutes and colleges across the 10-40 Window who collectively have more than 1,000 young men and women training for the ministry. Graduates of these schools are pastoring and discipling others in people groups that speak more than 20 languages.

There is a great need for training materials that students use for classroom study and later for sermon preparation after graduation. Text and reference books costs vary widely but $50 provides a set of books for one student.